
automate your decisions

Lately, I've been obsessed with the idea that your environment can change your behaviour. I became interested after watching struthless's video on how a space can improve your life, in which he outlined practical and actionable tips to take towards improving the space that you're in to have a better life in all aspects.

In particular, I love this line from Tom Bilyeu, where he tells this story about how he used to struggle with addictive eating and breaking this bad habit. What it basically came down to is that instead of relying on willpower or discipline, he just outsourced it to his environment by simply not buying addictive foods. This concept of how your environment could essentially "automate your decisions" for you is really cool since I wouldn't need to immediately change myself but rather take small steps to change my environment.

This got me thinking about how I could improve the space that I spend most of my time in to assist me in reaching my goals and becoming the person I want to be. I've since drafted up a few actionable steps, such as:

Just by taking the small action of changing your environment to make decisions for you, you don't have to rely on how you feel that day or if the weather is nice on a particular day. It is easier to then perform the desired action because it would take more effort to convince yourself that you should do otherwise.

