
be bored

Some of my best ideas and thoughts have come from being bored. With so much of our day filled with busy activities like work, hobbies, family time, etc., it can be hard to find time to just be. To just sit and be present with yourself.

I simply sit in my chair, close my eyes for about five minutes without any external stimulus, and just let my mind wander. I try to make it a habit to do this at least once a day, so as to give my brain some breathing room after a long day of being constantly barraged by stimuli and processes. I find it really beneficial to be intentionally bored because it feels really nice to let my mind grab hold of any interesting ideas. I've come up with the topics for all my posts for this past week using this method.

Once an idea comes to mind, I grab hold of any that are note-worthy and write them down. Once written down, I then narrow them down to a single concept that I would be interested in writing a post about. From there, it's smooth sailing.

Anecdotally, this makes sense. Ever wonder why you come up with some of your best ideas in the shower? This is the same concept, except done with intention. I am far from the first to come up with this idea. This video by Veritasium talks about the exact same thing, where being bored actually has a positive impact on an individual's creativity.

If you've read this post and are intrigued, give it a try! It might spark some ideas that you would not have found otherwise.


#Blaugust2024 #writing