
ebbs and flows

I've been feeling okay for the most part this month. I've been getting work done, I'm keeping up my habits, and I'm exploring my own creativity through writing. So it feels all the more terrible when I'm suddenly hit with a wave of depression.

For me, these waves come and go at random intervals. I could be having the best day and be hit with the most intense bouts of sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness. It might not be the most healthy thing to do, but I try to distract myself from these feelings by immersing myself in my work, hobbies, or playing video games with friends. This doesn't always help, but it does keep my mind off of it, at least for a short time.

It does get overwhelming sometimes dealing with all this by myself. I don't really have anyone in my life to speak about these things, so I have elected to scream these thoughts into the void that is my blog. I rarely, if at all, feel comfortable enough to talk about my feelings with friends or family because I was raised in a culture where that was not common or tolerated.

This might all sound hopeless, but I know that this will soon pass and that these feelings are temporary. All I have to do is ride out the waves.


#Blaugust2024 #mental-health