
fighting against myself

On certain days, it really feels like I'm fighting a battle against myself to not slack off and to be productive. I'm having to actively resist the temptation of distractions while getting work done.

It doesn't help that my dopamine-addicted brain is craving for mindless slop to consume 24 hours a day. It's a really tough battle that I've been struggling with for many years. I have tried time and time again to prevent myself from falling down holes of lethargy and depression due to inactivity, but my brain always finds a way to get its hit of dopamine.

The harder I try to stop this from occurring, the harder my brain will seek out methods to waste time. At this point, I'm actually considering doing a dopamine detox and removing all conceivable digital distractions from my life for a week or two.

I can't have myself stand in the way of me achieving my goals, and I will keep fighting until I do so.

