
final day of Blaugust

Today marks the final day of the Blaugust 2024 blogging festival, where the goal is to post as much as possible in the month of August. I am happy to report that I have achieved my goal of publishing a post every day for 31 days in a row.

I first heard of Blaugust when I read through Robert Birming's post about blog inspiration. At the time (late July), I just started this blog, and since the event looked interesting, I decided to participate to give this blog a kick-start in content as well as being a good reason to get me writing more.

I didn't really have a plan of what to write each day, but I knew that I wanted to write for the sake of writing. Each day I sat down to think about what I wanted to write and what was going through my head at the moment. These little thoughts slowly snowballed, and eventually a post was produced from them.

Although I have achieved the coveted 31/31 posts, I feel like some days I took an easy way out and threw up a post without much thought and effort just to fulfill the daily post target. Some days were much harder than others to come up with an interesting topic to write about; as such, I really admire participants who were able to draft multiple posts in advance, each with fully formed thoughts and beautiful writing.

All in all, I'm really happy with the progress I've made with my writing and am really proud of everyone that has participated in this event with me! I've had fun interacting with fellow bloggers in the Blaugust discord about various topics, with some conversations inspiring me to write a post about said topics.

To me, the Blaugust community played an integral part in my completion of 31 posts, because without them I wouldn't have been able to find inspiration or learn from other writers who have directly influenced the writing in my posts.

Seeing as this is my first blogging challenge, I'm happy to be able to put a notch under my belt with the Rainbow Diamond Award. It's a nice cherry on top and serves as a reminder that I actually achieved what I set out to do at the start of the month and that I never gave up, even when it was hard.

Going forward, I think I'm more suited to writing 2 or 3 posts a week rather than hammering out a post every day. I already have a few ideas lined up that I'm excited to write about.

You can find the list of posts I've written for Blaugust 2024 here.

Massive thanks to Belghast for hosting this event! I'm looking forward to joining again next year!


#Blaugust202 #writing