
five facts about me

Here are five facts about me that you may or may not find interesting:

1. The idea of seafood creeps me out

The idea of eating what are essentially "water bugs" just gives me the shivers. Although, I will occasionally partake if the taste is masked by enough sauce or seasoning.

2. I find learning ritualistic

Learning Japanese almost feels like a ritual that I perform everyday, not unlike brushing my teeth or taking a shower. It has become a habit that has been deeply imbued into my subconscious.

3. I love reading

Like many others on this site, I love to read books. I've currently got my hands full reading Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman and The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson. I'll probably add a page to this blog in the future detailing books I've read.

4. I'm a sucker for keyboards

I have spent an extraordinary amount of money on keyboards. Whether they were keyboards that I built myself or keyboards that just seemed unique enough to warrant the purchase, I would buy them if they were distinct enough from my existing collection.

5. I finally get why people write blogs

Shortly after starting this blog, I've come to realise why so many people make posts saying everyone should have a blog. I find writing almost therapeutic in a way where I am able to sit down and actually process my thoughts.

This post was inspired by an entry on the Blaugust Prompt List, "Tell us 5 facts about yourself."

