
ideas are cheap

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Anyone can come up with a decent idea if they try. It's the same for me when coming up with a topic to write about for a blog post.

I could easily pluck out 3 to 5 ideas off the top of my head when I sit down to write. But those first few ideas don't tend to be very appealing or fun for me to write about. As I come up with the 6th or 8th idea in my head, those are the ones that might be more polished or have more things for me to write about. These are the ideas that I typically decide to settle on and write posts about.

However, just because I choose one idea over another doesn't mean I don't go over old ideas again. They still have the potential to become full posts if given more thought. I do this occasionally when the well runs dry on certain days, but I won't spend too long drafting or planning a post if the overarching idea isn't interesting.

Ideas are cheap, but don't waste them.

As you might have noticed if you've read any of my posts, almost all my blog posts are written on the spot without any prior planning or drafting. The most I would do to plan a post would be to note something that I want to write about and outline a few major points. Doing this is enough for me, as I feel my writing is better when I just let my mind free-flow and pour words out onto the page rather than meticulously planning each and every sentence.

For me, writing is a way of crystallizing my thoughts and preserving them in a medium outside of my head. This effectively allows me to take a peek into how I was thinking or feeling at a certain time by reading through my posts. This directly aligns with some of the ideas I have for posts, as they tend to be whatever I have on my mind at the time.

It is for this reason that I consider every idea that comes into my head with careful consideration, because writing about it would mean preserving some part of me in written form that I can look back on in the future.

Whatever ideas you have for a post may be, don't discard them so easily. They could turn out to be great posts just waiting to be discovered and written.


#Blaugust2024 #writing