
lessons learnt from Blaugust 2024

I'm writing this post based on Blaugust's fifth-week theme, explaining some of the lessons I have learned through my participation in Blaugust this month. Here is the description of this week's theme:

"This week is a reminder that the goal of Blaugust is to refresh the content creators out there for the coming year, and not to burn them out in the process. Some folks are going to cross the finish line and immediately go dormant and others will want to process their thoughts about the proceedings. This space is reserved as a bit of a cooldown lap so that you can share your own experiences."

As mentioned above, Blaugust's goal is to refresh content creators and not burn them out. As such, for this last week of August, I will not be forcing myself to write on a certain day if I don't feel up to it.

Blaugust has taught me that prioritising where I use my energy is very important to my enjoyment and fulfillment of any particular day. If I spend a few hours going on a YouTube binge rather than doing work, I'm going to feel like crap that day. On the other hand, if I complete everything I plan to do in a day, I'm going to bed feeling happy and accomplished.

To that end, I've also come to realise that I only have a finite amount of mental allowance in a day and that I shouldn't be aiming to do more than I can manage. I'm also trying to be more kind to myself for missing out on habits by telling myself, "At least you've written a post today.".

It's these types of small but impactful lessons that I've learned writing every day for this past month that I'm extremely glad that I've participated in Blaugust this year as my first blogging challenge. Although it was challenging at times, I've discovered more about myself in a month than in a year before I started blogging.

To Belghast, thank you so much again for coming up with this challenge and keeping it running for more than a decade. I wouldn't have discovered such a wonderful community if not for your efforts in promoting blogging in a world where authenticity is getting more and more rare.


#Blaugust2024 #writing