
small list of interesting things

I've had a pretty busy day today and didn't have much time to plan for a post, so I thought I'd just give a small summary of interesting things that happened today.

1. Celebrated my mother's birthday

Today my brothers and I celebrated my mom's birthday. We took her out to dinner at a steak house and went to watch the new Deadpool movie afterwards. My dad even bought her a bouquet of flowers as he is overseas at the moment, she really seemed to enjoy that.

2. I almost lost over a thousand dollars

I woke up this morning to a huge number of unauthorised charges on my card, I immediately tried to freeze or cancel my card but because my bank's system was under maintenance, I had to sit in anxiety and hope no new charges came in until the system was back up. I managed to cancel my card and get a new one issued but I still have to dispute any pending transactions to get my money back.

3. 4000 Japanese words learnt

I finally hit the milestone of learning 4000 Japanese words, according to my Anki stats. Super happy that I've kept up this habit of learning Japanese everyday for almost 200 days straight.


#Blaugust2024 #life