
the first step

This blog and website is the first step I am taking towards becoming a more "creative" individual.

Being a software engineer by trade, you can imagine how many times I've been discouraged against being creative in an industry where I'm expected to complete tasks methodically and quickly, not unlike a robot.

Well, this blog represents my protest against years of self-programming (pun intended) to start writing creatively and to get my thoughts out into the world.

I've always imagined what it would be like if I was someone who was more artistically inclined. Whether it be an artist, writer, or a musician, I've always had a desire to become like them and be a creator rather than a consumer.

Years and years of procrastination later, I finally decided to take that first step towards that goal, which has resulted in this blog post that you're currently reading!

I intend for this blog to be somewhat of a collection of my interests. I plan to write about various topics including but not limited to:
