
write for no one but yourself

You should write for no one but yourself.

I came to this thought the more posts I write. The fact that I'm writing for my own enjoyment rather than to show anyone makes it so rewarding and satisfying because I don't have to deal with any pressures or expectations from others. It's not some technical documentation that has to be comprehensible or an academic thesis that needs to be written to the highest degree. It's my blog, and I can write whatever I want. It's so freeing to just let my mind flow across the page and have my consciousness translated into intelligible language.

I write to write, whether it's about a topic I'm interested in or a post or quote that I found cool and wanted to share. All my writings are simply words on a page that have originated from my imagination. Writing is a tool for me to get to know myself and the thoughts I'm having, akin to meditation.

To be honest, I started this blog because I wanted to get better at writing and become more "creative." But I've since discovered that the act of putting my thoughts onto digital paper has given me so many benefits other than improving my writing skills. Being able to brain dump any thoughts I have in my head through writing is almost like a therapy session in itself, because I have to sit there and think about those feelings and process them before translating them into words. I can attest that my mental health has benefited tremendously since I've started writing more frequently.

Not to mention, the community of like-minded individuals that you get to encounter just by posting content you enjoy is wonderful. It has been a pleasure reading posts written by other bloggers, who each have their own unique voices and personalities. I treat this blog like a journal that's open for anyone to read; if they like it, cool; if they don't, who cares? Convincing or getting other people to like the stuff you write is completely missing the bigger picture.

I have and always will write for myself rather than for the satisfaction of others. I simply don't have the energy or will to do the contrary.


#Blaugust2024 #writing